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Thursday, April 26, 2012

MEDIALIGHT : Is Content Free?

David Simon doesn't think so.  Not do I - but watcha going to do about it when people think watcha is a word?  

According to mediabistro today quoting GalleyCat today (and then me quoting mediabistro quoting GalleyCat (as in, er, free content free for all!) , in Simon's new website The Audacity of Despair,' he says: '''''''I'm a writer, and while I'm overpaid to write television at present, the truth is that the prose world from which I crawled -- newsprint and books -- is beset by a new economic model in which the value of content is being reduced in direct proportion to the availability of free stuff on the Web.

''''' In short, for newspapers and book publishers, it has lately been an e-race to the bottom, and I have no desire to contribute to that new economy by writing for free in any format.'''''''  
Simon  expresses reservations about blogging culture and what it's doing to his former profession of journalism (Simon was a Baltimore Sun reporter). I'm tuning in. http:www.DavidSimon.com.

Really, any guy who can note "the prose world from which he crawled" is worth listening to.